Last update: 27 March
David Tan wrote
(27 March 2006, 0827 hours):
I am back in Singapore but will be in
Vancouver again in early June and July.
Ang Cheng Kim passed away in 1999. He
had a very successful open heart bypass surgery done in Sydney
by the late Dr Victor Chang in, I think, the seventies. He
led a very active life after that and was in many committees at
Kampong Kapor Methodist Church. His wife attends church
faithfully every Sunday.
Albert Chan wrote
(27 March 2006, 0458 hours):
Ang Cheng Kim had the milk of Christian
kindness flowing in his veins. After I left School, ACK
contacted me to design a programme for a charity event that he
was planning. Anyone know where he is now?
Jimmy Ho Chee Meng wrote
(26 March 2006, 1159 hours):
Yes, I remember Mr Goh Chin Chye, a friendly
teacher. Mr Ang Cheng Kim was a kind teacher, full of Christian
charity and easy to get on with. He was also a talented singer
as we both attended the Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.
Laurence do you mean Mr Pakianathan (rather
than Pakrisamy)? I do not know his whereabouts. I believe
he has two sons in school - Manny Pakianathan (one year our
senior in ACS), the younger is Sam who was a year our junior.
Wee Choon Seng was in my class in 1957 and,
as you say Laurence, he was a fantastic badminton player.
Lawrence Lim wrote
(25 March 2006, 1049 hours):
My sincere apologies to Goh Chin Chye and his
family. Hope his good health continues. He must be in his
nineties today.
I remember Ang Cheng Kim. He used to invite some of us to his
place in Orchard Road to play badminton, but I didn't know he
has passed away. What about Mr. Pakrisamy ? Anyone knows where
Wee Choon Seng is? He was the Singapore badminton champion when
he was still in school and he also played soccer for ACS.
Teo Hock Hye wrote
(24 March 2006, 1949 hours):
Hi Lawrence,
You do have a penchant for details even to
the extent of knowing the geneology of Goh Chin Chye and Lau Hee
Boon. No Lawrence, Goh Chin Chye is still alive. I received a
call from Arthur last night (His time was 5.25 am - Vancouver
time) He ( Arthur) met him only last month very much in good
health. Lau Hee Boon was the class master in Std 4B so David,
you may not be able to recollect him as you and I were in Std 4A
Coleman Street under our class master Gan Kee Tian (for one term
only) Mr. Lau was our arts teacher and as I was involved in his
Arts project, I remembered him well.
Another teacher that came to my mind is Ang Cheng Kim who was
our class master in Std 2 A Coleman Street. He had heart
problem, had a bypass done and sadly also passed away some time
David Tai wrote
(24 March 2006, 0120 hours):
Hello Hock Hye,
I do remember Goh Chin Chye, the teacher with
a husky voice. Don't remember him being our Basketball coach but
yes he was our Oldham House master. I believe he taught us Arts
too. Cannot place a face on the late Lau Hee Boon but the name
rings a bell.
Lawrence Lim wrote
(24 March 2006, 1117 hours):
Hock Hye,
I remember Goh Chin Chye well. He was a scout
master and he has a son Eric. He used to live in Upper East
Coast Road and he was an avid health enthusiast, jogging almost
everyday even at 70+ I think he has passed away.
Lau Hee Boon was the uncle of Evan and Ivan. He was our art
teacher and he was very stout looking
Albert Chan wrote
(24 March 2006, 0502 hours):
How did I miss out Lau Hee Boon and Goh Chin
Lau Hee Boon taught us art and introduced us
to water colour painting. Earlier, when the war broke out, he
and his family, together with ours and other English speaking
families were sent to open up a settlement in Endau, Johore.
Little did I expect that he would be my teacher one day. Upon
returning to Singapore, he lived in Cuff Road (off Serangoon
Road ).
Goh Chin Chye was quintissential "Macho" boy
scout leader. When the 11th. Troop went camping, he joined us
and helped Ong Kang Hai maintain order amongst a group of
"rowdies" in scout uniform. When ACS held its 100 Anniversary,
GCC ran from Clifford Pier to the Ann. Dinner venue held in a
high rise restaurant (sorry, can't remember the name ) near the
flour mill, all the way up 10 floors to the restaurant to the
applause of ACSians past and present. I cannot recall if he was
carrying a torch a la Olympic style ... symbolising the passing
of the ACS spirit from generation to generation. Perhaps someone
can remember this event better. Was he fit or what !!? GCC
lived in Dhobi Ghaut.
Teo Hock Hye wrote
(23 March 2006, 1849 hours):
To add to the list of teachers, I don't know
whether anyone of you remembers Mr. Goh Chin Chye and Lau Hee
Boon. Goh Chin Chye was the sports master during our primary
school days in Coleman Street. David Tai would definitely
remember him as we were both in the basketball team in Oldham
House. He was a strict coach and master of Oldham House, he made
sure we would win in the Inter house matches. I remember being
hit on the head by him for trying unconventional stunts throwing
the ball backwards into the net. He was also the scoutmaster of
a troop outside ACS and he is well known as the Dolphin. I think
I have seen him in some recent photos in Echo magazine attending
some class reunion.
As for Lau Hee Boon, I heard sadly he has
passed away. He taught us art and gathered those interested to
attend his classes over the weekend. We painted some pictures
and some basketry works which he used for exhibition during
Founders day.
Alan Peck wrote
(22 March 2006, 1001 hours):
Hi All, er... excuse,,,,me , I think the
under-referred's name is Yong Ngim Djin. He is also described as
" A much revered but also much feared senior mathematics teacher
in The Anglo-Chinese School. He's also the father of Prof.
N. K. Yong the surgeon and wine connoisseur and current wine
columnist who writes quite regularly in the Business Times and
Straits Times.
O yes , I'm trying to reach Ms Si-Hoe Sing
Sow for the 2007 "Do" - remember her? She taught us Chemistry.
(have checked with Jerry Choo that fine to extrapolate from
Class57 to '58 & '59 days and the teachers then). Also there's
Ms Tan Kheng Choo (a former Queen's Scholar) who taught us for a
season. 'Remember that her GP lessons were very interesting and
she also played netball with us (boys were included) at the
Barker Rd field . She now lives in Scotland but visits Singapore
and I've met her in recent months. She remembers Eng Soon , John
Lim and a few others .
Have also met Khoo Choon Tin (tel. 6235
4639H) and Pang Loo Seem (contact 9229 1318) both mentioned
they're yet to embark on the internet but are interested in the
class function.
Yap Swee Hoo wrote
(22 March 2006, 0922 hours):
Dear Norman,
Don't mistake me. I don't fear you in the
afterlife, tough company you undoubtedly will be. I'm looking
forward to it, otherwise I'll be all alone without the rest of
our class!! Remember we're the only 2 really bad ones in
Maturing per se is not enough; both of us
need a complete makeover, a total re-moulding by Him - and
that's to say the least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers to my future
inmate in eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Norman Wee wrote
(22 March 2006, 0140 hours):
Yes Jimmy, the moment I read Gobi Desert's
name the first thing that came to mind was the aero modeling
I indeed participated but obviously did not win anything. On
hindsight, this is what makes a good teacher. More teachers
should follow this way of teaching. The experience of doing
something, not just book work. I remember him to be quite
strict, but fair. On Swee Hoo's comments about me, please be
assured, he need not fear me in the afterlife. Yes, I have
matured but still have the cheeky ways.
Chan Chin Bock, he had the drain pipe pants.
I think he was only a relief teacher. I understand he is not
well. Spent most of his career with EDB and stationed in NY.
Jimmy Ho Chee Meng wrote
(21 March 2006, 2359 hours):
Yes, David is correct about the nicknames of
the teachers concerned. Since Mr Jesudason's name has been
mentioned, I thought I should share with you an occasion which
has remained with me all this time. He was our Form Teacher in
Standard 5A. Can anyone remember he organised an aeromodelling
competition in the class to see whose airplane model was the
best and whose plane could remain the longest in the air. The
competition was to be held on the Barker Road hill site next to
Bishop Archer's residence.
We had many aeromodel enthusiasts in our
Class turning out beautiful planes (big and small), made of
balsa wood. Enthusiasts like Ivor Thevathesan, Lee Han Seng, Ho
Sim Chuing, David Tan and many others took part in the
competition. Mr Jesudason was the umpire and judge of the
contest. As I was a student of limited financial means and could
not afford to buy the balsa wood, I managed to gather the
remnants of the wood from the classmates and
built the smallest model which I thought looked like an
airplane. The day of the competition arrived and there was real
excitement (not only missing class, but also with Mr Jesudason
with us) amongst us.
One after another, each competitor would
launch their plane in the air from the height of Barker Road.
The judge had a stop-watch to record the individual plane which
was airborne. Some planes came down after a few seconds, others
hoped that theirs would remain in the air longer. There were
moments of gasp, 'oohs and aahs' as each competitor launched
their aircraft. I was the last to take to the 'sky'. Feeling
embarrassed, as mine was the smallest model and was very basic
looking, I hurled my 'plane' into the air. Because of its
smallness and lightweight, the breeze somehow made my 'plane'
float in the air. In remained airborne not just for a few
seconds but remained in the sky for about four minutes.
Obviously there was much laughter among the class and I felt
quite smug about it as I was declared the winner of the
competion by Mr Jesudason.
Sometimes when you look back into incident
such as this, you wonder why friendships in ACS can remain so
David Tan wrote
(21 March 2006):
Yong Ngim Djin's nickname was I think "Sahara
Desert". "Gobi Desert" was Jesudason's nickname as his bald area
was smaller than that of Ngim Djin.
Lawrence Lim wrote
(21 March 2006, 1156 hours):
Once, after exams, we were left to do our own
thing in class, as the teachers were busy marking papers. Keng
Soon and and a few of us arranged the desks to appear like
"hurdles" and we actually hurdled in class and were caught by
none other than Yap Ah Chuan. Vividly I remembered we were also
If any of you remember Dr. Leon Wang, who
taught us science. His trademark was to pinch anyone under the
arm pit until there were bloody marks. Once he pinched Quek Teo
Hoe, but he didn't get away because Teo Hoe dashed to the
principal's office to complain. Fortunately he managed to chase
Teo Hoe before he could reach the office and apologised to Teo
Then we had this friend of ours Haroon who
was punched mercilessly by Yong Ngim Djin for calling him "Gobi
desert" If you remember Ngim Djin was bald.
Of course there was this "In a nutshell"
teacher, Ernest Lau. These were unforgettable memories, which
upon reflection, were good old days.
Jimmy Ho Chee Meng wrote
(24 March 2006, 1800 hours):
Dear Albert,
Thank you for the additional names that you
came up with. It is wonderful that you can remember these
teachers, including Dr Herbert Petersen, the Principal and Dr
Thio Chan Bee's predecessor. On reflection, the names of
the others do seem to ring a bell. How can one forget the
vivacious Mrs Margaret Leong! Also, I had Dr Chan as a Form
teacher in Standard 7. He always gave me high marks for
Religious Knowledge because I memorised the whole chapter of one
of the Gospels he taught!
Anyway Albert, how are you and your family ?
I understand that Vancouver, BC is a beautiful city. I've
never been there although I have visited Toronto and Montreal
several times as my previous company was headquartered in
Do you remember the days in school when we
had games which today's students cannot imagine. During recess,
boys would play with 'fighting' spiders. Those who lived mainly
in the fauna areas of Singapore were able to catch big spiders
from hibiscus leaves, pandan leaves and sometimes from banana
leaves. What about throwing rubber bands at a distance to land
on a pile of rubber bands. Do you remember spinning tops ? The
purpose was to hit another spinning top to give it a hole from
its screw spindle.
What about after school ? Can you remember
the kampong boys flying their kites to cut the string of another
kite still flying in the air. Once a kite was cut loose, a group
of boys would run after it with the longest bamboo pole they
could carry to catch the drifting kite. Those were the days !!
Have you retired yet? Is there a large
Chinese or Singaporean community in Vancouver? I hope you are
able to join the Class 57 50th Anniversary Reunion next year.
I am still working but I am trying to ease
off my work in the next few months. For very many years in
London, I have been actively involved in the Christian ministry
within the evangelical context. I am currently the Chair person
of a Missionary Society in London. Most of its activities focus
in northern Thailand where we have missionary doctors, teachers
and Bible teachers. We provide food, shelter, clothing and money
to refugees and finance some 80 children who are orphans. We
carry out our work under the ethos 'With Christ's kindness'.
Most of our supporters are Christians from England, Hong Kong,
Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.
It is amazing what Christ can do for each
Yap Swee Hoo
wrote (20 March 2006, 1645 hours):
There was also Mr Chan Chin Bock who taught
us for a while. He went on to head EDB. I remember him as a
polished gentleman, smart in his appearance and speech, who
carried himself very well. Mr Wee Choon Siang was
impressive for his good looks that, admittedly, I lacked, and
still lack! Dear me!! Luckily, Norman kept me company with
his smallness - he he he!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, Mr Gan Kee Tian has fought the
good fight and finished his course much better than many, and
likely dear me again. I'll probably only have Norman again for
company in the hereafter; it'll be tough company, as he's wont
to tease me no less than before, and now... Do pray for
Albert Chan
wrote (20 March 2006, 0621 hours):
What about Leong Siew Tai, have we covered
Gan Kee Tian? M.J. Singh the maths. wizard, Mrs Ooi Thean Leong,
Enoch Fang, Chan Onn Yip, Dr. Herbert ..?... from the US who was
principal until he was replaced by Thio Chan Bee. How about Lim
Choon Mong who also was head of the Hawkers' Assoc. Then there
was Dr. Chan who taught us Scripture. He had a habit of playing
with his front dentures inside his mouth. One hilarious incident
occured when someone in the class asked the Doctor why God made
some people white and some black. Without batting an eye and in
a serious tone, Dr. Chan said that God made man with clay. He
shaped them, then baked the clay. Some were under-done and were
white. The others got burnt and came out black!! Next comes Leon
Wang, a graduate of a US college, who taught science. Another
science teacher was Seah Cheng Suan, who blushed a bright
crimson at the slightest agitation. Have we covered Mrs. Leong,
the American teacher whose ample bosom stirred the loins of
every student she taught.
Jimmy Ho Chee Meng
wrote (20 February 2006, 1800 hours):
I am rather impressed with the names of
teachers listed by Swee Hoo and the individual attributes
associated to them. It is quite a list of names ! On my
part, the teachers I can recall who taught us other than those
that Swee Hoo has already mentioned, are as follows:
Miss Moreton
Miss Russell
Miss Reutens
Miss Yong Loo Kim
Mrs Ng Eng Peow (nee Lee)
Mr Choo Chwee Ann
Mr Khoo Boo Gay
Mr Lim Hee Yang
Mr Jesudasan
Mr Navaratnam (the Science teacher)
Miss Chan (she taught us Biology and Chan
Onn Leng's sister)
Mr S.K. Pradhan (Geography)
Mr A. J. Williamson (American
missionary/basket ball coach)
Dr. Chan Ah Kow
Miss Ding (the Chinese Language teacher)
Mr Wee Choon Siang
Mr Choo Teck Hong (the Art teacher)
Mr Yap Ah Chuan
Mr Chee Keng Lim
Mr Gurdial Singh
Do you know where they are? Any other
Yap Swee Hoo
wrote (17 February 2006, 0432 hours)
The following teachers come to mind, for me:
Miss Smith, whose sharp slap on my
face for not wearing my spectacles saved my eye-sight for me.
Mr Hanam, whose sweets' treats for
good performance is memorable for the encouragement he gave us
to soldier on, whatever the odds. I came to know his son,
John, then the Supt of Customs when I was in the civil
service. I believe this wonderful teacher has passed on.
Mr Wee Teow Kee, who was caught by
my late mother whilst teasing me before the class on my
physical defect. A good man at heart, albeit somewhat playful
and therefore naughty, like myself. I still meet him on and
Mr Earnest Lau, of course, who is an
inspiration to one and all of us, I'm sure.
Mrs Williams - the sweet, maternal
teacher who reminded me of my mother in her caring and gentle
ways. She taught me in Std 2.
Mr Ong Kang Hai, the great Latin and
Shakespearean master. We were certainly fortunate to have him
as our teacher, demanding, yet always concerned for us as his
Mr Ong Kim Kiat, whom we used to
call names behind his back. Another wonderful teacher.
Mr Thomas, who could recite the
whole history book by heart, even the page on which a
particular passage was. Great character!
Mr Chew, who taught us literature in
Senior Cambridge (?).
Mr Retnam, whose son Prof Retnam was
my Prof in varsity. He would have passed on, I think.
Any more?
Cheers to our coming reunion get together!!
Jimmy Ho Chee Meng
wrote (17 February 2006, 0241 hours):
I wonder if it would be a good idea for each
of us to list the names of all the teachers who taught us from
Primary 1 right up to the year we left ACS, ie 1957/1959.
Also on the list of teachers, we should indicate whether they
are still alive or have passed on. Such a list would enable us
at the Reunion, to honour their role in moulding us as
reponsible citizens.